About Me


                   After retiring I moved to a small lake community in Indiana with my husband of 49 years. It was always my dream to live near the water because that is where I feel close to the Lord. When I'm not writing I love to go fishing or work in my garden.
   I have had two books published, A Christian Observance of Passover and Cleansings Thoughts. However, after becoming disillusioned with the publishing industry, I pulled my book deciding I would never again have a book published.  After prayerful consideration, I made the decision that writing a blog was the best outlet for me.  


  1. So interesting that you had that experience with publishing. That is exactly the reason why I also started to write my blog over 10 years ago. I had attended a Christian Writer's Conference, and it was wonderful...but the thing I learned from it unfortunately was that I never stood a chance to get published unless I wanted to spend the money to do it myself. The one good takeaway was that I attended a class on blogging, and that opened up a whole new world for me! It has developed and grown over the years, but it has been a wonderful outlet for sharing my faith as well as making beautiful new friends. I hope that we can also become friends! I just "met" you on the new Facebook page for "Christian Tea Time and Hospitality". It seems like we have some things in common, like a love for Hoosier Cupboards, Cardinals, and tea beside the water! And now blogging too! Most of all, a love for the Lord...which makes us sisters in Christ. So happy to meet you, Beverly. Looking forward to getting better acquainted as the days go by!


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