Memorial Stones (Day 2 from an untitled collection)


            The first is a piece of triangular-shaped white marble. All of us have a scripture that we feel defines our walk with the Lord, mine has always been Revelation 12:11. “. . . They overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony . . .” During my life’s journey I have had to travel some pretty rough roads, many not of my choosing, as a result, I have had to bear the consequences of the actions of others. When I gave my past to the Lord I also gave him permission to use it. At first, it was hard to share with others, then a dear friend sent me a card with this written inside, “God has never left you alone, he was there through it all. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28, (NKJV). You, my friend, have been called to share your testimony with others that they may know they are not alone; teach them through your words to be an overcomer.” Did you know there are at least seven promises given to those who overcome in the book of Revelation?  When Jesus was speaking to the seven churches in Revelation 2; verses 12 through 17 he was addressing a church that compromising their faith; in verse 17 he said he would give to the ones that overcame “. . . a white stone and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it.”  In biblical times a white stone was used as an admission ticket, here the ones who overcame will be admitted to the feast of the Lord.  As for the name written on it, it could be your new name only know by God or that of Jesus (19:12). Remember when Jesus changed Simon’s name to Peter (Matthew16:13-20) because of the revelation he had received from God on who Jesus truly was.  Have you ever wondered what your new name might be; I confess I have. When I’m feeling overwhelmed I can look at my white memorial stone and I am reminded that I am an overcomer.

          Next to it is a hematite stone, meaning bloodstone; just in front of the raw cut stone is a piece of polished hematite; its deep pewter color likes like liquid mercury.   It is said to be a stone for the mind bringing mental stability and organization, I chose this stone because of the manic-depressive disorder and dyslexia, God had taught me in the beginning years of my Christian walk to renew my mind through his word and how to use the manic episodes for creativity.  Another uses for the hematite is to absorb negative energy in times of stress or worry; it’s a reminder that God delivered me out of a deep depression and brought me here beside still waters to restore my soul. God did not design the human body and mind to be able to withstand anxiety, worry, and stress over a long period of time, eventually, the body and nervous system will break down under the burden you are carrying.  Because of the stress, the long hours I had been working during the hard times at the store,  and the burden I carried for so long my doctor told me I had caused permanent heart damage. That is why we are told in 1 Peter 5:7 to, “cast all your care upon Him.” When this scripture is broke down in the Greek it is as if Jesus is saying ‘your shoulders are not big enough to carry this burden by yourself, that’s why I am here, give it to me and allow me to be your beast of burden, and let me carry it for you.’ Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV) gives us a visual image of how we are to carry the weight of life.  In biblical times a yoke was made from a bar of wood to lock, or yoke together, two oxen allowing them to pull more weight between the two of them.  Jesus is asking us to come to him when life’s burdens and sorrows begin to weigh us down, let him share the load. He also says we are to learn from him, in order to do that you must spend time in his presence, meditate on his word, share your life with him, and then you will find rest for your soul. Once I was able to bring myself to give him all the cares that had been weighing me down for so long I took my first steps on the road to healing, and now I make it a priority in my life to give any stress that tries to weigh me down to Jesus.  Spending time with him is not difficult or even time consuming when we learn to join him on his path for my life.


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